NOTE: All the photos i've taken and will be taking will be uploaded to my FLICKR account. Today's Photos in full res can be found here. Check them out but keep in mind: 1) it's hard for me to appear in any of my photos without having to lug a tripod around and 2) i'm not a great photographer to begin with so don't expect much.
First post from Japan! Said farewell at Changi to family and friends (PHOTO) and transited through Bangkok airport (Suvarnabh) which is a super modern shopping extravaganza of an Air Terminal (it puts our Changi to shame in terms of shops and boutiques (PHOTO)) but the architechture feels really drab (grey) and cold, much like the Thai people. I think everyone from the flight stewards to the airport was super unfriendly (some quite rude). So much for my impression of Thai hospitality and warmth. And due to me taking a wrong turn i had to walk a total of 1.37km to reach my gate (no kidding, they even had distance signs as if to boast that their airport is so big)
Reached Fukuoka Airport in the morning (about 845am after going through customs). I went around to some secluded spot at the end of the airport to assemble my bike. After nearly an hour my bike was up (PHOTO) and i went to find my hotel. The weather is HOT! Or to be more precise, it's exactly like Singapore. First lesson learnt: Keep off the roads in town! Cars and trucks were aplenty and everything was quite confusing. I stayed on the bicycle and pedestrian friendly sidewalks all the way to the hotel (Fukuoka Toei Hotel, PHOTO).

My bike mingling with the other bicycles on the street
As a mode of transportation, the bicyle is KING! Everyone from businessman in suits, old grannies, OLs and teenagers were zipping here and there on the sidewalks. And as i was just taking my own sweet time to explore, old grandmas (the most unlikely of speed maniacs..) were overtaking me all over the place. In my defence, it's not easy mingling with cyclists and people on the sidewalk when my bicycle fully loaded weights a good 45kg. Swerving with the weight is highly difficult. Trying to ride with one hand is just asking for a kiss with the asphalt.

Kego Park, beside Fukuoka Station which is the busiest human traffic place i've seen so far
Checked in and took a long nap cause i couldn't sleep the entire flight. I went out of the hotel around 6pm to do some look-see and find dinner and found myself at this Internet Cafe, which is a super great place to hang out and be entertained(games, magazines, manga, movies, Internet, showers, tanning salon and food!). It's open 24 hours as well. A great way to spend the night (~$25SGD for overnight use)
As per my friend in Fukuoka's recommendation, i will be checking out the beach tomorrow(Saturday) and the sports stadium. Sunday i will be cycling down to Saga (50km away) and probably camping a night there before continuing on to Nagasaki (100km from Saga) early Monday morning. Here's to better cooler weather tomorrow!
fantastic fukuoka!
and what's with long live the king??
have heard about the super cool clubhouse before ... japan is really a super high tech place.
LOL! u bo jio! u damn ai zai lei!!! know some jap babes and intro to me lei as a token of apologise for not jio-ing me!
take care har, AND house warming bo jio also! and i have regard u as my best friends during secondary school time lei T_T
there's nth so high tech in fukuoka that Singapore doesn't have, in fact they don't have a wireless internet network in the city; just that the whole cyber cafe package is super cool. feels like home to me :)
long live the king was some signs that i kept seeing around the airport in Bangkok, tried to take a pic but couldnt focus through the airport glass.
pooopiah!! WHO ARE YOU? I cant guess man...
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